Sunday, 5 February 2012

Throw Some Glitter On and Get A Bucket of Red Paint

Valentines @ St Mary's DSG with U-PARTY and Euphonik

Finally, they're here again. The U-Parties. The bestest and funnest under eighteen parties ever--so you know all the paedophiles are jealous!
  Ahem: "U-PARTY helps schools and charities to fund raise by hosting under-18 socials at their premises. U-PARTY has developed these socials to such a degree that we can claim to be the most successful under 18 social production company in South Africa. Our reputation has been built on a solid foundation of providing the best entertainment to high school students in an environment that remains safe and secure. This is all thanks to various industry partners including ER24, Gemini DJ, Bhejane Events, AVIS, Universal Music, EMI Music, Puma, Optimus01 and Wharfedale Pro."
  They can also claim to be the most successful under 18 social production company because there really aren't any other besides Pandemonium which is a lot more white people oriented and very disgustingly The Bowling Club situated.
  I really wanna go to the Valentine's one (as advertised above) at St. Mary's Diocesan School for Girls (DSG, the school my father really wants me to consider which is bull crap because the fees there are fucking insane and private school's for stuck-up pricks--total fuckery) because U-Parties are AWESOME!
  Like, for realsies. They're the bomb and they always have an unlimited supply of Red Bull which is like [legal] kid alcohol! Well, except for Smirnoff and Brutal Fruit, I guess but then again that isn't so legal. What? You've never seen my peers at The Bowling Club knocking back bottles like it's going out of style.
  Back on topic, for the past week everyone has been gettin' all hyped up about this party. Probably because it is the first one of the year in Pretoria and it's gonna be awesome and we all need to distress first month of school aches and jitters. Don't we deserve to? We've kept up our lame New Year's Resolutions long enough (but mine was really, really, really easy: no orange clothing because I'm totally above the lame-osity of New Year's Resolutions).
  Heh, the way I'm getting so hyped up for this, though. You'd think I go to these things, like, all the time. Oh my gawd-uh! But, really I've only ever been to one; The Mt. Edmund Christian Brother's College U-Party with Black Coffee who's like an insane in the membrane DJ, my friend. CBC had it right!

Look at all the fun we had then:

That girl (bottom row, centre picture) practically heaving herself onto the stage is a true testament to the fact that U-Parties are awesome! And if you look really closely in that final picture you can see me getting totally drowned in gyrating bodies trying to get to my mom before she got on stage and called me out with a microphone. Parents actually do that, mine are no exception. Best night ever, even the serious Red Bull hangover I had wreaked of epictude.

And the DSG one is with Euphonik! What-what! Listen to me getting all excited about a house DJ I've hardly ever listened to. Uh, ja, meneer! Now to calm the fuck down, drink some freaky pineapple juice, put on actual pants (don't ask) and kick Jason and Brandon outta my house! Before it rains and they're forced to stay.

Later (and frikkin' wish me luck on getting my dad to take me to a party that ends at 23h00)
Khenzo =]

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