Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Don't Act Like A Sobby Model, You Just Won The Lotto

No time for words today. I will be having a chillas on Saturday and it's going to be epic.
Khenzo xx

Monday, 19 March 2012

It's Been A While Since We Last Spoke And This Is Gonna Sound Like A Bad Joke

My life has been consumed by Malva (pudding) Mondays, redecorating my room (which looks hot and slightly creepy - just the way I like it), obsessing over Kaylee Pedro's Sweet Sixteen this Saturday, going to "chills" (or chillas if you're black), not attending to a significant other, trying new make-up looks, writing my book, designing up a storm for my very far away Grade 11 V-Ball and Matric Dance, hustling for a flat iron (which is inevitable) and - can you believe it - school. Oh, and obsessing over Ziggy Ndala's sexy navel. Hey, I like what I like and you eat potatoes. (Unless you're allergic and I am terribly sorry.)
One thing has been missing, however. And that is Venus and Mauve. My blog. The blog I promised never to abondon. The blog I have left just like my dirty socks to fester in the dark far corners of my drawer. And that is a horrible crime. What would I do without my blog? This is the only thing stopping me from a) getting into horrible fights with myself and b) being sent to an asylum.
But never fear, all is good here.

OK, fine. I haven't necassarily had the busiest weekend ever but I did have a good time and that always counts for something. I did also almost land face first into horse doodoo which counts for nothing. Nothing at all.

Khenzo xx

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Why Live To Die When You Can Live To Soar?

Sorry I haven't posted since Thursday but it's been a hectic weekend. I went to David Tlale's Ready To Wear Autumn/Winter 2012 showing for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week at Hyde Park Shopping Centre, spent half of Saturday crying over a Letterman jacket from Sportscene in maroon and had a three hour conversation about sweet nothings with Titus, Sunday morning in the wee a.m.
  Best weekend ever!
  Sorry you can't get the full idea of the outfits but unfortunately a) I am not media (even though I was mistaken as one because of my large camera. I did feel good about it, though, since it seemed I appeared a little older than I was), had no press pas and could not get amazing photos from the end of the runway, b) I'm not well connected so I couldn't get a front row seat and c) I'm fucking short.
  Might I add, Hyde Park is the most fabulous mall I've seen. Like, seriously. I'm even considering ditching Rhapsody's for good ol' Mr. Jekyll/Dr. Hyde! Lame joke that probably no one will get, I know.

My sister, Dineo, paying rapt attention to David Tlale's grand entrance.

Some one please buy this jacket from Sportscene. Only R499.99, steep I know.
 I've always had a huge obsession with Letterman jackets and have considered moving to America to date jock so I can steal his.

Khenzo xx

My Frozen Bra.
Courtesy of Amber. Punishment for being the first to fall asleep at Lesego's slumber party.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

You Make Me Wanna Die

So, um, I have a dirty little secret. The kind of dirty little secret I keep in my closet. No, I'm not homosexual. It's much bigger than that. No, I'm not planning a visit to the asylum. It's much, much, much more serious than that.
Inhale loudly, exhale obnoxiously.
Here it goes:
I'm freakishly and very eerily obsessed with Taylor Momsen.
She's my style icon. And I kind of look up to her.

See? I told you it was earth moving.
She's gets a lot of crap because everyone thinks she's lost herself, she's a demon, she needs serious help and she's far too risque. Well all those people are drumming up a whole sum of bullshit.
I love Taylor Michel Momsen. She's edgy, she knows what looks good on her, she's everything that is rock and roll, she's rebellious, she mighty sexy, she spends her days not giving a shit about what anybody has to say and maybe she does need some serious help. Don't we all?

And I don't just love her, I do actually listen to The Pretty Reckless because they're pretty cool. And hot.

And what first hooked me onto Taylor - besides her stunning portrayal of Jenny Humphrey on Gossip Girl - was her style. Yeah, there were those "weird" days when she wore stripper heels and such but so what?

Forever Yours
Khenzo xx

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Obsession Tuesday #4

Hello, hello! I die as I've witnessed the most awesome weaves ever that make me think twice about wearing dead hair. Which brings us to Obsession #1:

Obsession #2:
  Head Honcho
  They're everything that's cool about Jozi and Cape Town.

Obsession #3:
  Cape Town seaside living versus Johannesburg innercity kid. Long way from living on my own, I know but it's fun to dream about.

Somehing about skyscrapers and reflective building makes my lady parts scream.
Cape Town. A dramatic picture but beautiful none the less.
Obsession #4:
  Platform wedge ankle boots that everyone seems to have. They're supposedly comfy as hell!

Obsessive, compulsively,
Khenzo xx